By Vlad Mazak
This has not been a good year for the meat, dairy, and egg industries.
In January, ABC News provided extensive coverage of cow abuse by the dairy industry. The BP oil spill in April called attention to an even-larger Gulf "dead zone" caused by the massive amounts of animal waste dumped every day by the Mississippi River. A month later, a UN report urged a global shift toward a vegan diet to reduce world hunger and climate change.
In June, FDA asked factory farms to stop routine use of antibiotics that lead to drug-resistant bacterial infections in humans.
August witnessed the largest-ever recall of more than a half-billion eggs harbouring salmonella.
Finally, this month, President Obama signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act to replace fatty animal products and other junk foods in school lunches and vending machines.
According to the School Nutrition Association, 65 per cent of U.S. schools now offer vegetarian lunch options.
Vlad Mazak
Vancouver Sun
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